Pan-fried peppers with salt and lemon

Serendipitously, the merchant selling small Padrón peppers at a farmer's market, suggested the same simple recipe for them that we recently saw in an issue of Bon Apetit: pan-fry them in oil for a few minutes and serve with a generous sprinkling of salt. Lemon juice makes a nice addition, but garlic - as suggested by the magazine - just burns up immediately on the hot skillet. Do skip the garlic!

Admittedly, whether this dish is palatable depends on the exact crop of peppers in question - they vary in capsaicin levels a lot, apparently - and the spice tolerance of the diner. One of us loved being able to eat a spicy roasted pepper without the overwhelming heat of, say, a Jalapeno; the other found the Padróns still too much.