
Frittata is an Italian open-faced omelette that spends time in the oven to brown on top. If you like it thick, the oven also ensures that it is fully cooked. But, since it starts on the stove, you'll need an oven-proof skillet to make a frittata. Nonstick helps, though we made it without. Well-seasoned 12-inch cast-iron skillet is ideal.

Preheat the oven to 350F/180C or use the "broil" setting. Fry the "stuffing" in oil or butter until tender. You can use many vegetables for the stuffing: onion, garlic, zucchini, roasted asparagus, shelled blanched fava beans. Ham and sausage can be added, tool. Most recently we made a frittata with grated potatoes, grated carrots, and sliced celery.

Beat the eggs with the dairy (it could be milk or cheese or both), add to the stuffing, add salt and pepper to taste, mix well, and smooth out the top. Some vegetables, like peas, scallions, chives, and sorrels, don't need cooking and can be mixed in at this point, too. First cook the frittata on the stove at medium high heat, for a few minutes, until the edge is set, then transfer to the oven. Cook until browned on top, just a few minutes under a broiler or about 25 minutes in the regular oven.

- 6-8 eggs
- 1/4 cup milk and/or grated Parmesan
- olive oil or butter
- salt and pepper
- "stuffing"