Here is a middle eastern rice salad that tastes as good or even better the day after it is made: Make brown rice (remember that it takes 45 minutes!) and let it cool. Sauté the onion in oil and spices until translucent. In a large bowl, mix rice and onions, adding more curry if desired; then, mix in the vegetables. Apple, cilantro, and raisins are essential. Chill everything in the refidgerator if possible.
- 1.5 cups brown rice
- 1 cup rasins
- an apple, chopped
- an onion, chopped
- green onions, chopped
- snow peas, chopped
- celery, chopped
- bell peppers, chopped
- olive and sesame oils
- cumin seeds/powder
- chili powder
- curry powder
- salt to taste