Somen Sushi

After coming across a recipe for sushi rolls based on soba noodles (as opposed to rice) in my Sushi at home by Shimizu, I tried making sushi with somen noodles, which I randomly picked up at our Japanese store. (Soba has buckwheat in it, while somen, ramen, and the thicker udon are just wheat.) Despite the substitutions -- I also used arugula instead of mitsuba (Japanese parsley) -- the recipe worked well.

Next time I will not ignore Shimizu's instructions to cool the noodles because the roll was too soft to cut at first (so I cooled it in the refigerator). In fact, I would cool the arugula, too. The recipe also said to lay each noodle straight, which was impossible with the sticky somen, but the pieces stayed together nevertheless.

- 1 bundle somen/soba noodles (~3 rolls, ~18 pieces)
- sweet omelette strips (3 eggs, 2 tbsp sugar, dash of salt)
- boiled arugula (or spinach, or mitsuba)