Just bread

Nothing weird about this recipe other than the fact that I finally managed to bake something unassisted. (My previous solo efforts ended in disaster, so my roommate in Norway taught me how to make bread.) So, for those who also have trouble baking even plain old bread, this is probably the simplest recipe imaginable:

- wheat flour (I used a combination of whole wheat and regular white flour, with emphasis on the former)

- a packet of "active dry" yeast

- enough whole milk to make it "doughy"

The important point, which I've missed in the past, is that you need to work the dough with a spoon in a large bowl for a few minutes, to oxygenate it. Then leave it overnight at room temperature. In the morning, work the dough again a little bit, pour it into a form (greased with butter unless your container is non-stick), put it into a cold oven, and set it to bake. Should be ready in about an hour.